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Need Shrink Film? We have You Covered

No matter the tray size, it can be wrapped in shrink film. Don’t need the shrink film? Then choose one of Delkor’s glueless and shrink film-free packaging solutions.

Clear or Printed Shrink Film

Shrink film has options. Showcase your product with clear shrink film or brand it with eye-catching print-registered graphics to create a unique brand message or retail multi-pack tray.

Tray shrink packaging with shrink film options for branding or clear.
Tray shrink package ideal for any rigid product

Pack and Stack Your Way

We have options to handle a wide range of tray shrink package options including boxes, cans or bottles in single or stacked configurations.


Less expensive than corrugated cases, shrink film protects your product from harmful environmental conditions. Want more cost savings? Have a look at Delkor’s Spot-Pak packaging. Combo lines are available so you can perform a push-button changeover from one package style to the other.

Tray Shrink Package to save on package costs
Tray Shrink Package can be made without shrinkwrap if not necessary.

Shrink Wrapping Optional

Don’t need shrink film? We have a wide range of tray sizes with glue-less and shrink-free options.

Compatible Systems

Tray shrink package Trayfecta S series carton and tray erector

Trayfecta S Series

High-Speed Cartoning and Tray Erector.

Performance Loader for packing tray shrink packages

Performance Loader

Feature-Rich Tray and Case Packer with Perfect Pattern Technology.

Tray shrink package Spot Pak Machine Shrink Wrap

Spot-Pak Machine

A Shrink Wrap Machine that Replaces the Need for Corrugated Boxes.

Tray shrink package Flex Loader tray packer

Flex Loader

Top Load Any Size, Shape or Pattern of Rigid Containers into Trays & Cases.