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Delkor Hosts Us Senator Klobuchar and EXIM Bank at Expanded Facility

EXIM Bank Dir Herrnstadt and US Senator Amy Klobuchar tour Delkor with Delkor's CEO, Dale Andersen

Delkor CEO, Dale Andersen (center), takes Director Owen Herrnstadt of EXIM Bank (left) and US Senator Amy Klobuchar (right), on a tour of Delkor's newly expanded facility.

Delkor hosted US Senator, Amy Klobuchar, and Director Owen Herrnstadt of the Export-Import (EXIM) Bank of the United States at its manufacturing plant earlier this month. Senator Klobuchar and Director Herrnstadt toured the new facility dedicated to the manufacturing of robotic packaging systems, along with Delkor CEO, Dale Andersen, and Vice President of Human Resources, Patricia Andersen.


During their tour, both Senator Klobuchar and Director Herrnstadt emphasized that the EXIM Bank has more resources than ever to assist companies like Delkor expand their export opportunities. In fact, resources such as EXIM financing made Delkor's further expansion into global markets possible. According to Director Herrnstadt, “it is amazing to see the innovation being generated by U.S. manufacturing.”


Senator Klobuchar, who is very focused on a variety of efforts to promote manufacturing in Minnesota commented “with 95% of the world’s population outside the U.S., there never has been a better time to assist our innovative and growing manufacturing companies like Delkor with export opportunities.” 


She also stated, "at Delkor, you see a company that has greatly expanded and expanded to be the leader in its field ... making robotics equipment for packaging. It's incredible... You can see the quality of equipment they're selling to companies across the world and you can just see how proud the employees are to be a part of it."

Walk alongside Director Herrnstadt and Senator Klobuchar as they tour Delkor's recently expanded 300,000 sq.ft. manufacturing campus in the video below.



Topics: delkor systems, news, Press Releases, delkor news, manufacturing, robotic automation, News & Press

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